On 16 June 2024, International Domestic Workers' Day event was organized by Domestic workers group together with MAP Foundation at the Holiday Garden Hotel, Chiang Mai Province. This event aimed to celebrate the strength and unity of domestic workers and to demand domestic worker rights. Various groups, Chiang Mai Labor protection and Welfare officers and migrant workers attended the event and different sessions. The sessions including inviting Chiang Mai Labor protection and welfare officer to share knowledge on the new regulation No. 15 on the protection of domestic worker. There were traditional and cultural performances, dramas show reflection migrant worker problems and demand for protection in Labor Protection Act. Besides, the domestic workers submit Domestic Worker recommendations to the Chiang Mai Labor protection and welfare officers.

June 16 of every year is recognized as International Domestic Workers' Day, many countries come to organize activities to commemorate the fight for social justice for domestic workers. It is a way to honor and highlight the importance of domestic workers, including the legitimate rights that domestic worker should be protected and equal dignity the same as other works.

Currently, domestic workers are not protected by the Labor Protection Act and many other related laws. For instance, domestic workers are still unable to access the social security system, and when they have a work-related accident, they are not protected by the Compensation Fund Act. In addition, they are unable to form a group to create bargaining power with employers according to the labor relations process.

The Chiang Mai Domestic Workers Group and the MAP Foundation would like to take the opportunity of June 16, which is designated as International Domestic Workers' Day, to submit a proposal to the government through the Chiang Mai Labor Protection and Welfare officer, with the following proposals:

    1. Request that the government ratify the ILO Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, ILO Convention 98 on the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining, and ILO Convention 189 on the Rights to Protect Domestic Workers, and proceed with amending relevant laws, regulations, and rules to protect and promote the rights of domestic workers as soon as possible.
    2. Request that the government cancel the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) on sanitary pads and arrange for free distribution of sanitary pads to be accessible to all women to solve the problem of period poverty, which has other negative consequences, and specify that female domestic workers have 2 special holidays per month during their periods, with pay.
    3. Request that the government expedite the issuance of a ministerial regulation to include domestic workers who do not engage in business in the social security system and are protected equally under the Compensation Fund Act without discrimination.
    4. Request that the Department of Skill Development establish guidelines for vocational training for domestic workers. During the training period, they will receive an allowance at the minimum wage rate. After the training is complete, a certificate of completion of the labor skill development can be issued that can be used to adjust wages according to the level of labor skill development.